Is Ceylon tea high in caffeine?

Ceylon tea is a type of black tea that originates from Sri Lanka. Pure Ceylon teas are different from other types of black tea because they come from a different species of the Camellia sinensis plant than other teas do. The main types of teas that come from this plant are black tea, green tea and oolong tea.

Ceylon black teas have been used in herbal medicine since ancient times due to their health benefits and antioxidant properties. You can get these health benefits by drinking Ceylon tea or eating fresh leaves or dried powder form instead!

Ceylon tea is made from the plant Camellia sinensis.

Ceylon tea is made from the plant Camellia sinensis, a species of evergreen shrub that includes both green and black teas. The difference between Ceylon tea and black or green tea is in the way it’s processed.

Green tea undergoes minimal processing while it’s still fresh—it’s steamed, dried, and sorted by hand. Black teas go through a much more extensive process: they’re rolled, oxidized (or fermented), and for some varieties roasted before being blended together with flavors like fruits or spices to create traditional English-style tea blends like Earl Grey or English Breakfast Tea.