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They have their economy of whales who spend tens

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They have their economy of whales who spend tens još nije ništa objavio


Početni datum
11-24-20 - 03:00


Datum završetka
11-30-20 - 04:00

In an ideal world maybe, doubt EA would care. They have their economy of whales who spend tens of thousands every year and casuals who buy it just because. I would not be surprised if at the following years we get a"free" version of FUT with extreme P2W components, sort of like the one that PES releases every year. The PES comment is absolute shite though. I don't want to play as Manchester red, in the euro cup. Everyone was saying pes will require over every season and it doesn't. You're posting to a fifa subreddit, maybe not a pes. This proving that fifa is not moving anyplace.

I expect them to drive more permits, they will have a full year before PES 22 comes out to perform it. I never believed PES was carrying over at the years before as they kept using the same engine but today with unreal engine and EA being even more and more disappointing annually there's a really good chance it happens. Also the fact im posting here does not establish anything, I havent played this game for weeks until a few days ago and from what I see here it feels like 50% doesnt even play fifa tbh. PES has its own share of issues also, especially this season, but this is the one complaint I always see from FIFA players that makes no sense. Say you dont need PES due to gameplay issues, since it doesnt have League 1 and 2, because it doesnt have as many teams, whatever, all legit reasons - but the licencing that is a poor excuse. There are spots for PC and PS4 that take literally 10 minutes to install, and you have every team name, and kits that often look better than the licenced ones.

Everyone points out the missing licensing yet almost everyone is playing their own custom made club FUT where licensing does not matter. I get that issue for CM gamers but still you could download some community data packs and call it a day. Perhaps now they are giving the real inspection score. It is gonna be the same old song and dancing like it today was for five years. The initial release will feel great then by Christmas the match becomes patched into sweaty nonsense. Bro FIFA hasn't addressed the exact same formation glitches in like two installments of this match, and we JUST got a card company method worth anything. Been playing FIFA because my Sega Genesis. This is my first time I am opting out.

The studio devs over FIFA are undoubtedly the most qualified throughout the company. There's never anything wrong with the game & they know they are the cash cow. I have never played MUT but I've got the match through Origin Access so decided to give it a go. The menus in MUT are an abomination, it'd make you love FIFA. Opening the free packs I obtained was this kind of chore that I gave up. To start a pack you need to open a bunch that contains the pack, that's your pack inside another pack and nothing else using it. You have to open two packs to start a bunch, it is insane. The RB/LB to maneuver between challenges, play a game, shop etc disappear at the time you're allowed to use them and appear when you can't. Menus have loading screens and for some reason occasionally when you transfer between them they conserve your profile, no shit.

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