The game's developers are to be credited with promising enhancements to this year's game following complaints from fans about the franchise mode not being included in last year’s game. Based on the five-minute video EA dropped on Tuesday, the promise has been fulfilled, with the mode getting an overhaul in all aspects...
It is a great start however it's not enough. I'd like to see the mode receives this kind of attention over the next couple of years. In order to give gamers an real-life experience from the franchise, i have a few ideas.
Over the past decade, Madden players have been begging to be assistant coaches. They finally made their return this year. However, it's not looking like the assistant coaches won't have any influence on a team's plan and that's a shame.
They will also provide support for players' development and also in certain scenarios like red zone and three down plays.
Although coordinators do have an impact on these areas in real-life, their primary task is playing-calling. The same won't be the case in the game.
The screenshot shows Matt Nagy has an offensive and defensive playbook. If the Bears made a change in their defensive coordinator, it will likely not affect their defensive scheme. The possibility that a team's plan could be altered due to staff sackings or hirings would be nice touch and add diversification to the user's experience.
It's difficult to accurately capture the game-planning elements of football in an accurate way. It's therefore difficult to be able to blame Madden designers for choosing a system with in-game attribute boosters for specific types of play.
However, a solid strategy doesn't always improve a player's performance in certain aspects of the game; rather, it places that player in situations that make his job easier by making play-calls. If my top corner can't defend their best receiver and it doesn't matter how much we pay attention to man coverage that week, we're not going to be able to play a whole lot of Cover 1.
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